We all know there have been a lot of homes built in Norton Canes in recent years.


The population of Norton Canes as a proportion of Cannock Chase District as a whole is approximately 8 per cent but housing delivery in the current Local Plan, including current commitments, will be nearer 21 per cent of total District housing numbers for the period 2014 to 2028.

The main reason for this was the decision to allocate large areas of land for housing south of the village off Norton Hall Lane and Brownhills Road. This was partly because of restrictions elsewhere in the District including the Cannock Chase Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

The Working Group considering this topic is strongly of the view that no major new housing development should be required by the District Council to be delivered in Norton Canes before 2028 (the end of the current Local Plan period).

It also believes no further development should be required until the sports/leisure, education and public transport infrastructure for which funding has been obtained has either been delivered or projects have been committed.

The only exception to this was that a suitable site for a housing complex for the elderly and/or small sites suitable for bungalows for the elderly should be identified.

This would enable people needing supported living or wishing to downsize to stay in the village.

We have also considered the use of a Neighbourhood Development Order (NDO) to promote support for a specialist housing for the elderly development in the village.

NDOs are effectively planning permissions granted for developments which have the support of the community and are considered alongside the Neighbourhood Plan.

This map identifies all the housing sites being promoted in the parish by landowners and developers on the District Council’s Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA). It also shows the District Council’s preferred housing sites from its recent Preferred Options document. The District is proposing to allocate two major new housing sites in the Green Belt. SH1 South of Lichfield Road A5190 for approximately 875 dwellings (Site SH1 on the map plus the former golf driving range west of Newlands Lane) and SH5 West of Hednesford Road/north of Norton Terrace for approximately 175 dwellings (Site SH5 on the map). If you want to see the District’s Policies Map which accompanies its Preferred Options document follow this link.

Here is a list of recommended suggestions for local people to consider:

General Housing

  • Not to support any major new housing development before 2028 (the end of the current Local Plan period) and until the sports/leisure, education and public transport infrastructure for which funding has been obtained has either been delivered or projects have been committed. The only exception would be for infill and small sites within the village; and for specialist housing schemes for the elderly.
  • Because any new major housing development will require the use of Green Belt, any development of the Green Belt for housing should be accompanied by appropriate financial or practical contributions to deliver environmental gain and/or other benefits to the local community. These “Asks” will be consulted on with local people.
  • Local people should be consulted on all sites put forward for major housing development, considering their suitability alongside the potential local gains or benefits which might be achievable. A map of all the housing sites in the Parish being promoted by landowners and developers; and the housing sites proposed by the District Council in their Preferred Options can be found herefound here..
  • Support housing plus possibly a retail convenience store development on the site between the M6 Toll and the new housing being built off Norton Hall Lane (site N13a on the map). The land is allocated for employment uses but is being promoted for housing. Its suitability for employment uses is questionable and some frontage retail development could help address the shortage of retail facilities in this part of the village.
  • Not to support any allocation of new housing within the Parish which exceeds eight per cent of the District total up to 2038.

Specialist housing for the elderly

  • Support the search for a site for specialist housing for the elderly near the retail centre of the village and the health centre. If no suitable land can be found within the village, consider part of the Green Belt land west of Hednesford Road which is being proposed by the District Council in its Local Plan Preferred Options document for housing (site SH5 on the map). Currently, people who have lived all their life in the village have to move out for specialist elderly care.
  • Support the requirement for 5 to 10 per cent of dwellings on major new housing developments to be small bungalows suitable for the elderly. Seek a proportion of these bungalows to be included in affordable housing requirements.
  • Seek to allocate a site or sites for specialist housing for the elderly through the Neighbourhood Development Order process. With the support of a willing landowner, the NDO process can enable the Parish to give planning consent for a scheme and thereby increase its chance of delivery provided that there is support from the community.

Gypsy and Traveller sites

  • Support the provision of a Gypsy and Traveller site or sites in association with new development in the Green Belt, to replace unauthorised encampments on Stokes Lane and Long Lane. These unauthorised encampments sit alongside public bridleways, potentially damaging the environment and discouraging their use. Efforts should be made to provide a site or sites which would better serve the needs of the inhabitants and improve the environment of the bridleways.

Tell us your thoughts about housing in Norton Canes – fill in our online questionnaire.


Watch our video and help us try to get the most suitable housing for our community.