Best Kept Village Competition 2020


Due to COVID-19 pandemic, the Best Kept Village Competition was cancelled for this year.  This was disappointing as the Parish Council had already made plans for our entry and were looking forward to taking part.  We continued with most of our tasks that we were undertaking regarding the presentation of the village as we felt this was not always for the benefit of the BKV entry but for the benefit of the residents who live here.   We are really pleased this year with the garden areas and hanging baskets and this is down to the hard work of our lengthsman John Lee.


Following our success in the 2019 Competition we are now making plans for our entry in 2020.  There is always a lot of work to do and one of the main issues is litter and rubbish.  If you can help us in anyway we would like to hear from you.  We do have regular Community litterpicks which our Chairman Cllr.John Preece organises and puts the dates on his facebook page.  Alternatively you can contact the Parish Office on 01543 276812 or email to find out the details.

One initiative that is working well is that some residents have a litterpicker and rubbish bag from the Parish Office and when they are either walking the dog or generally want to clean the area where the live they pick up the rubbish then.  If this is something you feel you would like to support then please contact the parish office details as above.