Community Speed Watch

A Community Speedwatch has now commenced in the village and three sessions have already taken place. We intend to do a monthly speedwatch sessions looking at different roads. From the sessions already undertaken on Brownhills Road, Walsall Road and Hednesford Road it has been observed that there is a high volume of traffic using these roads. The initiative covers not only speeding but can report to Police on such issues of using mobile phones and wearing of seat belts. The number of reports sent to the Police for the last three sessions is 44 and the drivers will be contacted by the Police.
We have a list of roads that we are undertaking speedwatch sessions and will continue to expand these as the project progresses. Cllrs J.Bernard and J.Newbury have recently attended a Countywide event on Community Speedwatch so that we are fully up to date with what is required.
We are continually looking for volunteers in an attempt to keep our roads safer in the village. If you have any spare time and would be willing to participate in this project we would be grateful if you could contact the Clerk on 01543 276812 or email

Can you volunteer?

Have you got half an hour a week or a month to help tackle speeding in your local community?

Click here to find out more.