Festive Window Competition 2020

The Parish Council at its November meeting discussed events that we normally support during the festive season, one being the Festive Window Competition and the other being the Lantern Parade.

Due to the government restrictions and the uncertainty of the changes to lockdown,  the Council had to make some difficult decisions about how we take things forward this year and look at other ways.  The lantern parade itself was cancelled completely, but Councillors wanted to look at how we manage the festive window competition.

It was agreed that as some shops/businesses may not be able to be open and unable to take part, it was considered that we should not hold the judging this year as normal but that but would encourage shopkeepers, businesses and residents to come together to bring magic, hope and togetherness in what has been a very difficult time.

Christmas windows will go a long way to lifting our spirits during what is a difficult and uncertain time for everyone.  Hoping that next year we will be able to hold our normal festive events.