Norton Canes Neighbourhood Plan Heritage Assets Nomination of Buildings or Other Structures for Inclusion on a Local Heritage List


The preparation of the Neighbourhood Plan provides an opportunity for the local community to nominate buildings or other structures within the Parish for inclusion on a Local Heritage List. Such buildings would not receive the same degree of protection as statutorily Listed Buildings, but the Plan could include a policy highlighting their importance, with a presumption that they be retained for future use unless it can be shown that they could not be put to any viable use or there is a wider community benefit to be achieved by redevelopment.

The only statutorily listed buildings in the Parish are St. James the Great Parish Church, Little Wyrley Hall and the barn to the rear of Little Wyrley Hall.

Click here for more information on the many properties which have been lost to mining subsidence in Norton Canes and one writer’s view of what remains of note. We want your view of any properties in the parish which are suitable for a Local List. District Council planning policy says suitable properties should demonstrate one or more of the following attributes:

  • Of local historic interest as a reminder of social, economic, cultural or military history, including archaeology or link to a local figure.
  • Of architectural or landscape interest which include innovative design, decorative craftmanship or plan form.
  • Make a positive contribution to local distinctiveness, character or appearance, including the interest of any group of buildings of which it forms part, landscape value or contribute to local identity.

Buildings for possible inclusion in a Local List form part of this consultation. In addition to commenting on the suitability of these buildings or structures, individuals or organizations can nominate buildings by giving a description of the building, including photographs and details of why it should be included, based on the criteria set out above.

The suitability of buildings for inclusion in a Local List will be tested at the formal consultation stage of the Neighbourhood Plan as it goes forward to independent examination and referendum. Owners of the buildings proposed for inclusion will be informed and given an opportunity to comment.

Tell us what you think of our ‘first thoughts list’ of properties below and of any that we have missed.

Cators Cottage

Cators Cottage
Watling Street

Hednesford Road No. 338 to No. 340


Poplar Street No. 11 to No. 13


Railway Tavern, Norton Green Lane


Walsall Road Opposite Rose Villas
