Garden Development on Norton Green Lane/Butts Close

Update: The land that the Parish Council now have under a Lease arrangement from the District Council on Norton Green Lane/Butts Lane, has been developed by the local brownie and rainbow group. They have transformed the garden area already and work will be ongoing. A launch of the development took place on 26th September with members of the group together with Parish Councillors and a special invitation to Mrs Brenda Rose who has been involved with Girl Guiding for many years.

The Parish Council have been looking at developing small pieces of land into garden areas in the village and have now entered into an Legal Agreement with Cannock Chase District Council to Lease the land on the corner of Norton Green Lane/Butts Close.

The local Guide/Rainbow and Brownie group have expressed an interest in supporting the development of this garden area and have worked really hard to make a difference to the area. The work will be ongoing and we have already had very positive feedback about the changes.