Community Litterpick

The Chairman of the Parish Council, Cllr. John Preece, is very keen to arrange regular litter picks to address the issues of litter/rubbish in the village.  Details of these litter picks will be on his Facebook page and on the Parish Council website. If you have any spare time and could support the community litter picks in any way, please get in touch. Some residents have asked for a litter picker so that when they are walking their dog they can pick up litter. Contact the Clerk on 01543 276812 (office hours 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday to Friday) or alternatively email.

The Parish Council together with Dave Smith from the Royal British Legion and Lido Working Mens Club, organised a community litterpick which took place on Sunday 25th June. This initiative was to help keep our village free from litter and the route linked together our Parks and Open spaces.

Litter PickersWhilst the turnout was small they achieved so much and we are grateful to that group of people for their support. This is going to be a regular event in the village in the hope that we can encourage residents to get involved in taking a pride in the village.

We get numerous complaints about litter in and around the village and we do try our best to eradicate this by the use of the Parish Council lengthsman and the Probation Service Community Payback team but this is one fight that we are never going to win.

We would also like to encourage residents and young people in using the litter bins provided in and around the village which would help us in making sure our village presentable which also links into our entry into the Best Kept Village competition.

Please keep an eye out for future dates which will be put in the Village Newsletter, Parish Noticeboard and Facebook. Lets work together.