Have your say in creating better business opportunities in Norton Canes

A survey gathering opinions on how businesses can best be supported in Norton Canes has been issued to local business owners, to help develop the area’s local economy.

A survey gathering opinions on how businesses can best be supported in Norton Canes has been issued to local business owners, to help develop the area’s local economy.

As part of the creation of a Neighbourhood Development Plan for the village, the parish council wants to ensure it has the facilities and infrastructure in place to help businesses thrive and increase employment opportunities for the community.

A working group has been tasked with gathering opinions and information on business needs and formulating ideas of how businesses in the area can best be served by the plan over the next ten years.

Leading on the project is Norton resident and local businessman Richard Davies of Pmap Consultants Limited.

Richard said: “It’s imperative we build a true picture of the challenges and issues facing Norton businesses, and gather owners’ views on what’s needed to help them succeed before we formulate our Neighbourhood Plan. This is a document that gives local residents and workers a say in how money should be spent in the parish and what changes they want to see come to fruition. It will impact what commercial property is developed, improvement of the highways, parking and public transport system serving the village and the provision of better facilities for employers and their workforce.”

Working alongside the parish council, the group has drafted an online survey to help collect vital data that will help them move forward with the plan and are appealing for business owners to complete it.

Richard added: “As a self-employed businessman myself I completely understand the time constraints we have as company managers. That’s why we’ve tried to make it as quick and simple as possible for business owners to get involved by devising a short, succinct survey that covers areas we feel the plan can positively impact. We want to make sure we’re operating in the majority’s best interests, which is why we’re hoping to capture thoughts from as many businesses as possible.”

Responses will also be used to help build a local business list to promote the services available in the village via the Parish Council’s website and newsletter.

Surveys can be completed online via the following link:


For more information about the Norton Canes Neighbourhood Plan, email: nortoncanes.neighbourhoodplan@gmail.com

Richard Davies can also be contacted directly about the business survey and local economy working group by emailing pmapconsultants@gmail.com.