Norton Canes Neighbourhood Plan – share your views!

Have you shared your thoughts on issues affecting our village?

As we write our Neighbourhood Plan for Norton Canes, it’s really important you have your say and tell us what’s important to you! If you’re unclear on what the Neighbourhood Plan is and what it will mean for our village, please take a look at the Neighbourhood Plan page on our website.

Here’s a snapshot of what’s happening at the moment.

Transport and Highways - Can our transport links and road systems be improved?

Do we need a new kind of bus service?

Would you like an on-demand bus service in Norton Canes?
Around 100 people have completed our public transport survey so far. We’re taking the results to bus companies as evidence that we need better transport solutions. The deadline for completion is 20th March – click on the link here to complete our survey online or pick up a printed copy from the parish council office.

Youth - Are we providing enough facilities and activities for our young people?

Youth engagement
What do kids want?

Do our kids feel safe in the village? Do they find it difficult to get around? Are there meeting places or activities for them? What can we do to make things better?
We’re working with local schools to gather opinions from our younger residents. We’re also launching an exciting art competition for younger children to tap into their ideas! Encourage your 5-11 year olds to enter – you could win a family ticket to Drayton Manor Park and Zoo worth over £80! Click here for entry details.

Heritage - What are the important features in the village we want to preserve?

What features deserve our protection?

How can we preserve our heritage?
What features, like the Grove Colliery site, do you want to see protected? We’re working to create a list of important features of Norton Canes that need to stay. Share your suggestions on our Facebook page!

Local Economy - How can we support businesses in Norton Canes to boost our local economy?

Are we providing all you need to succeed?

We want local companies to thrive and are asking what support is needed to boost business? Do you run a business in Norton Canes? Let us know what you need via our business questionnaire.

Remember, if you have no voice, you have no choice in the future plans for your village! It’s your village, your voice, your plan.

For more information on how you can get involved:

Find us on Facebook

Email us your questions:

Call the Parish Council office on 01543 276812.