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Staffordshire Police Citizens’ Panel

Staffordshire Police Citizens’ Panel provides a genuinely representative ‘voice’ for the diverse communities of Staffordshire in key decisions of Staffordshire Police and the development and review of its services.

The Panel is currently made up of 3,000 people from across Staffordshire who regularly share their views and ideas on a wide range of policing issues.

We would like to increase our panel membership so that we can give even more people living in Staffordshire a strong and credible voice in the decisions we make. Increasing our panel membership will also provide us with the opportunity to ask questions that are much more local to where people live.

We can only be successful if we understand and deal with what matters to the public.  However, we recognise that opportunities for you to let us know your views must be as convenient to you as possible.

By joining our Citizens’ Panel you can let us know your views from the comfort of your own home.  You will simply be required to complete three short surveys a year to inform key decisions of Staffordshire Police.  You can complete these surveys in a method of your choice including on-line, via Facebook or via traditional post.

We will keep you updated with Panel newsletters and keep you informed about workshops and events that you can get involved in if you wish to do so.

To join please visit our website at and complete the online recruitment form.

For further information, please contact Natalie Wilford on 01785 232284 or email


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