Have your say in the future development of Cannock Chase

Cannock Chase Council is seeking your views on important plans and documents that will shape the future of Cannock Chase District. The Council is consulting from Friday 19 March until […]

Press Release: Results of survey seeking views on improvements

22 February 2021 Results of survey seeking views on improvements to a local park in Norton Canes are in…  Views from residents living in Norton Canes have been sought as […]

Festive Window Competition 2020

The Parish Council at its November meeting discussed events that we normally support during the festive season, one being the Festive Window Competition and the other being the Lantern Parade. […]

CEMA Consultation

Have you say. Click here for view information.

Best Kept Village Competition 2020

UPDATE Due to COVID-19 pandemic, the Best Kept Village Competition was cancelled for this year.  This was disappointing as the Parish Council had already made plans for our entry and […]

Norton Canes Neighbourhood Plan – share your views!

Have you shared your thoughts on issues affecting our village? As we write our Neighbourhood Plan for Norton Canes, it’s really important you have your say and tell us what’s […]

Festive Window Competition

Local shops and businesses got involved in our Festive Window Competition. The judging took place during December and the winners of the 2019 competition were: 1st Place – Ann’s Cafe […]

Chase Matters

You can now view the Winter edition online at:  http://www.cannockchasedc.gov.uk/residents/communications/chase-matter Hope you enjoy reading our magazine.

Annual Parish Assembly

The Annual Parish Assembly was held on the 4th April. At the meeting the Chairman presented grants to local community groups just a selection of photos from the meeting. The […]

Community Speed Watch

A Community Speedwatch has now commenced in the village and three sessions have already taken place. We intend to do a monthly speedwatch sessions looking at different roads. From the […]