What is the Norton Canes Neighbourhood Plan?

These neighbourhood plan pages are currently under review and are being updated.

What is a Neighbourhood Plan ?

The basic purpose of a Neighbourhood Plan is to provide a statutory framework to manage and control the future development and use of land in a community. It gives local people the opportunity to decide the future of the places where they live, work and spend leisure time.

Operating in the context of the overall planning policies contained in the Cannock Chase Local Plan, which sets out the strategy for the future development of Cannock Chase District as a whole, it enables decisions to be made by the local community on the amount of new development and where it should be built, provided that it is not proposing less development than the Districtwide Local Plan. The plan can contain policies identifying the location and type of new housing, proposals for new retail, leisure and employment opportunities. A Neighbourhood Plan can also contain policies aimed at protecting and enhancing the local built and natural environment, including buildings, open spaces and footpath/cycle routes of importance to the community. The time period a plan should cover would normally be 10 to 15 years.

The plan must include evidence to justify its polices and proposals. Some of this evidence will be statistical information about the characteristics of the local community in terms of the social, economic and age structure of the population. Another important part of the evidence will be information about existing uses of land, what opportunities are available to develop or redevelop sites and what commitments already exist in the form of planning permissions granted but not yet implemented. However the key source of evidence is an understanding of the local area obtained from seeking the views, aspirations, wants and needs of local people.

Once a Neighbourhood Plan has been produced it has to be submitted to the District Council and then be the subject of an independent examination. After these processes have been completed a public referendum is held where it is necessary for the plan to be supported by more than 50% of those voting. So the local community has the final say in the process.

Advantages of having a Neighbourhood Plan

A Neighbourhood Plan is produced locally by the Parish Council with the engagement of the wider community right from the start of the process, to ensure that it genuinely represents the needs and wants of the local area, provided that these can be expressed in policies relating to the use and development of land.

When the plan has been “made” after a positive referendum outcome, it becomes part of the statutory Development Plan for the area. This means that decisions on planning applications are normally required to be made in accordance with its policies, giving the local community more influence and control over the development of the area.

There are also financial benefits to the local community. Some infrastructure required to support new development, for example open spaces, leisure facilities, schools, health facilities and transport ( including road and public transport improvements ) are partly funded by Community Infrastructure Levy ( CIL ). CIL funds are collected by the District Council from developers of new housing and some new retail schemes. Currently 15% of the funds originating from a local area such as Norton Canes Parish have to be passed by the District to the Parish. The amount of funding received by the Parish increases to 25% where there is a Neighbourhood Plan in place, thereby increasing the opportunities for spending on infrastructure which is needed in the local area.

A Neighbourhood Plan is adopted following:


Members of the community are asked to share their opinions on policies that affect the town. Responses will be incorporated into a draft plan.

Independent Assessment

The draft Neighbourhood Plan is subject to an independent assessment to ensure it:

  • Meets European obligations
  • Has regard to national planning policies
  • Conforms with the strategic policies of the Local Plan
  • Is compatible with adjoining Neighbourhood Plans
  • Contributes to the achievement of sustainable development

A Referendum

Local people will vote in a referendum to state whether they agree with the proposals outlined in the draft plan document.


If the Neighbourhood Plan is supported, it will become part of the statutory Development Plan along with the Local Plan.

What will the Norton Canes Neighbourhood Plan consider?

Icons open for business

Local Economy

trying to influence the District Council’s decisions on allocating new sites for business development. Also, looking at helping small businesses to expand.

Icons travel

Sustainable Travel

trying to improve bus services and footpath and cycleway routes that access destinations such as workplaces, the secondary school and Chasewater.

Icons countryside

Protecting the Countryside

trying to improve the biodiversity of the many protected and designated sites within the parish.

Icons healthy living

Healthy Living

trying to improve indoor and outdoor sport and recreation facilities, open spaces, play areas, countryside footpath and cycleway routes and facilities for young people.



trying to improve the choice of local shopping whilst supporting existing retail businesses in the village centre.


Community Facilities

trying to ensure that the County Council delivers improvements to primary education and supports the long-term future of the high school.



trying to ensure that existing facilities including the community centre and library are retained for community use.



trying to influence the District Council’s decisions on allocating new sites for housing. Also looking at specialist housing for the elderly and small bungalows in the village.


Protecting Heritage

we want to safeguard the historic environment and assets including the former Grove Colliery site


Identifying a List of Asks

local community benefits to be argued for, especially if we are faced with new developments in the Green Belt.

How YOU can help!

To create a neighbourhood plan that truly speaks for our community, we need your views. Here’s how you can get involved:

Fill out one of our online questionnaires


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