What do you think of the local shops? Is there a good choice – or could there be more on offer?


We want to improve the local shopping facilities, but also support existing shops, pubs, takeaways and other services.

There has been a raft of changes to planning legislation in the wake of Covid-19, which should make it easier to change use and cut red tape.

It gives much more flexibility for uses of buildings to respond to changes in demand.
We have produced a map which you can view by clicking here showing the locations of most retail and service businesses.

We have also produced a map which you can see below of what we think is the Village Centre.

We have also considered the possibility of providing a small convenience store as part of the large Bloor/Persimmon housing development off Norton Hall Lane because there are no shops close to this part of the village.

Village Centre map
Village Centre SATELLITE

Our policy suggestions here include:

  • Support improvements to the attractiveness of the Village Centre and other retail outlet locations, eg environmental improvements and electric vehicle charging facilities.
  • Support construction of a convenience store at Norton Hall Lane subject to consideration of impact on the village centre.
  • Support improvements to the village centre car park.
  • Support roadside retail and service uses on land adjacent to the Turf Inn.