Norton Canes Parish contains 14 sites which are protected for their ecological interest.

Icons countryside

The Cannock Extension Canal running from the south of the A5 to the parish boundary with Pelsall and including a basin for moorings at the former Grove Colliery is a Special Area of Conservation of international value.

Parts of Chasewater Heaths Site of Special Scientific Interest between A5190 Cannock Road/Burntwood Road (No Mans Bank) and east of Norton East Road are of national importance.
12 other sites scattered across the countryside of the parish are Sites of Biological Interest which is a county-level designation, the largest of these being Wyrley Common, east of Lime Lane.

Ecological Sites Map

All land within the Parish, outside the current development boundary of the village and the Kingswood Lakes Business Park/Orbital Retail Park, is in the Green Belt, which has a high level of protection already.

Our policies here could include:

  • Seeking to agree improvements to the biodiversity of all protected sites. This would involve surveys to identify their current condition and then appropriate site management activities, guided by ecological evidence and agreements with landowners.
  • Ensuring that new developments make appropriate financial or practical contributions to deliver environmental gain.